Tracy von Ahsen


Tracy von Ahsen of TvAcollage is an analog collage artist with a foundation in photography, having majored in this medium at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). Tracy’s work is a convergence of diverse influences, combining an attraction to the urban landscape, the serenity of nature, and the enigmatic power of the female form.

Urban Life Meets Nature: Tracy’s collages explore the intricate dance between urban life, the natural world and often the decadence of fabric. Inspired by the vibrant energy of the urban landscape and the tranquil beauty of natural settings, Tracy strives to capture the symbiotic relationship between these seemingly disparate realms. In her art, concrete structures are woven together with nature elements. This juxtaposition serves as a reflection of the multifaceted human experience and the constant interplay between the man-made and the organic.

The Feminine Essence: Central to her work, as a queer artist, is the celebration of the female form as a vessel of strength, grace, and spirituality. Through the careful selection and juxtaposition of imagery, Tracy aims to convey the inherent power and mystery that resides within women. Each collage becomes a tapestry of feminine energy, transcending physical appearances to explore the depth of the human soul.

Spiritual Energy: Tracy’s art is deeply influenced by the ethereal and the spiritual. She seeks to tap into the unseen forces that connect us all, infusing her collages with a sense of mysticism and introspection. Each piece becomes a portal, inviting viewers to explore their own spiritual journeys and connect with the universal energies that surround us.

Through the meticulous process of analog collage, Tracy embraces the tactile nature of art creation. Tracy meticulously cuts and arranges images from various sources, allowing each piece to evolve organically. This tactile approach is an embodiment of the spiritual energy she seeks to convey, as the act of creation becomes a meditative practice that she shares with others.

Tracy’s hope is that her work resonates with viewers on both a visual and spiritual level, inviting them to contemplate the intricate tapestry of life, the enduring strength of the female spirit, and the profound connections that bind us to the world around us.

As an artist, Tracy’s creativity has led her to some of the most iconic art destinations in New York City and Brooklyn. She had a solo show in her apartment when she was living at the iconic Chelsea Hotel. From being in the permeant collection and a group show Leslie Lohman Museum to the eclectic spaces of Eleven Brooklyn, the Photo District Gallery, Chinatown Soup Gallery and unconventional venues like Camel Art Space and Spur Tree Lounge, her work has found a home in a diverse array of settings. These shows ,and many other group exhibitions, have not only showcased her artistic evolution but have also allowed her to connect with audiences and fellow artists on a profound level. Tracy is driven by a passion to explore new artistic horizons and make a lasting impact on the world of contemporary art.