ARTICLE: Transformation & Flow

Transformation: Are you willing to be uncomfortable? Can you sit with that feeling and really get into the idea that everything is happening for you, not to you?

How much do you really know that is a fact? It’s ok if you’re not fully there yet. Inner integrity is very important in your relationship with your divine. You can still have the knowingness of that truth that everything is there to help you without pushing down your normal human reactions as they come up.

In fact, you MUST honor that and the process. Go in; love the parts that are expressing discomfort. This a clear message for you where you need more love not less.

The more you allow for this uncomfortable place, the more you are signaling to divine that you are willing to be open to what is flowing to you. I want you to get to a place of duality. When you are truly going through it, as you honor and FEEL your pain, you actually get excited in the knowingness that you are also leveling up and having a transformation.

Say, “It’s happening so it must be for my highest good.” Don’t know what that is? Then say that too, ask what it's for and get quiet to hear the answer. Journal. Speak your truth. Remember, your divine is there just for you, all in, for you. You should use “real talk”. Don’t talk to your divine like it’s this big entity that you can’t relate to or that is so far above you. Instead, talk to this force like a dear friend you can be fully open, honest and real with.

Looking to the past isn’t often helpful or healthy. What is done is gone and we only need to know how to work with what is in front of now. Not even the future is helpful. But, when it comes to transformation and adversity we can use the past as evidence of how what happened actually WAS for our highest good.

Flow: Once you see this you have adequate evidence to trust that the adversity in the moment is actually there to serve you. This is how you start to fall more and more into the flow. Not only will you start to trust but also adversity won’t affect you the same way. You will have less stress and take things as they come. As you’re able to cultivate faith you’re actually welcoming higher levels of awareness and blessing to flow in as old things fall away.

Ask and affirmations: Do you like this? Oh wait, sounds good but you have no idea how to have the trust in this process or ever get to that level? Don’t worry I’ve got your back. Let’s just use the magic.

First of all, how have you been seeing this higher power? Is it strong, sexy, badass? Can it do anything for you? Yes? If not get in there and start designing a divine that can fully support you and exceed any expectations you may have. I personally add a line in that says that my divine can actually see any and all of my blocks that may be hindering her power from being fully realized in my life and tell her to remove those too. We may have subconscious beliefs we don’t fully know that are stopping that force from showing up in our life in a big way.

Next- Get real! Just say, “I don’t have the trust yet but I deeply want to be in the flow and feel the support I know you're giving.” Keep on saying it all day every day in every situation. Use the law of probability. Stack the deck in your favor. Believe in magic! It’s real; you just have to open to the idea of it.

Lastly- When you start to feel the tiniest bit in the flow or get a realization of why a particular adversity has come into your life it’s time to praise and celebrate that higher power or divine. This multiplies the blessings and realizations coming in. 

I’m going to leave us with the idea of gratitude. It is everything. Don’t have it? Use the same steps. Say, ”I see I have a lack. I would like to feel more gratitude.” Sneak it in everywhere. I sign every email “with gratitude” just to blast my subconscious with what I want to cultivate. Get witchy with me. 

This article was published on Not Sorry Magazine’s website on May 9, 2019.


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